What is the North Merseyside BAP

The Merseyside Biodiversity Group was formed in 1997 to progress biodiversity action within Merseyside. It is a partnership of local authorities, statutory agencies, conservation organisations, higher education institutions and local people. The most important element of this partnership is the local community.

Their vision for  Merseyside is a place where biodiversity flourishes; where everybody helps to nurture and enhance our biodiversity; and where biodiversity is a natural consideration in policies and in society as a whole.

The North Merseyside Biodiversity Action Plan was published in September 2001 by the Merseyside Biodiversity Group which is chaired by MEAS. A five year progress review undertaken in 2006 highlighted where progress has been made and where it has been lacking. In accordance with national strategy, a review of the Species and Habitat Action Plans (SAPs and HAPs) was undertaken to ensure that they remain relevant and useful to circumstances and conditions on the ground today and over the coming years. The major requirement of the review was that targets of the HAPs and SAPs were ‘SMARTened’ (see link below), and where necessary or opportune, we also reviewed and updated other sections of the HAPs and SAPs at the same time. The review was published in 2008 and can accessed from http://www.merseysidebiodiversity.org.uk/.


What area do they cover?

The North Merseyside area consists of Liverpool, Knowsley, St Helens and Sefton. Close links are also maintained with Wirral.

The North Merseyside Biodiversity Action Plan

The North Merseyside Biodiversity Action Plan aims to help local people become more aware of the area’s natural environment and the issues facing it.

The Plan comprises of 44 habitat and species action plans; each one describing the current status of the habitat or species, issues affecting its well-being, conservation objectives & targets and actions to meet them.