Protected Species
There are a range of protected species which can be found on, or adjacent to, development sites within the Liverpool City Region (LCR).
These include, but are not limited to, roosting bats, great crested newt, Natterjack toad, sand lizard, badger, red squirrel, water vole, barn owl and other breeding bird species. The following are the main pieces of legislation which give legal protection to protected species:
- The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended);
- Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended); and
- The Protection of Badgers Act 1992.
Government Guidance
In addition to local planning policies, there is also Government guidance on protected species and how they should be addressed during the planning process. This comprises:
- Biodiversity and geological conservation: circular 06/2005; and
- Protected species and development: advice for local planning authorities.
In addition to the above guidance, there is also the British Standard BS42020:2013 Biodiversity: Code of Practice for Planning and Development which encompasses protected species surveys. This can be purchased from the British Standards Institute website.
It is important to note that the presence of protected species does not necessarily prohibit planning permission from being granted, however it will require developers to ensure that adequate surveys have been undertaken and that suitable mitigation measures have produced which will ensure that harm is avoided, and that the status of protected species will not be adversely affected.
Roosting bats are commonly encountered within the LCR, particularly in relation to proposals affecting the roofs of buildings (or cellars) and mature trees. MEAS has produced guidance for developers, planning officers and ecological consultants on Bats and Planning which can be found in the document library of the MEAS website