River Mersey Task Force

In 2012, the Government included the following "Ask" as part of the Liverpool City Region Deal, "To examine the feasibility of the River Mersey becoming the cleanest and most ecologically diverse river in an urban setting by 2045". Merseyside Environmental Advisory Service was tasked with delivering this ask by the Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise Partnership (LCP LEP).

In December 2012, a shadow River Mersey Task Force was established including professional individuals from a range of sectors who share an interest in the role the river plays in the sustainable economic development of the City Region and beyond.

Through a series of meetings and workshops, the Task Force reviewed work undertaken by programmes such as the Mersey Basin Campaign, Mersey Waterfront Regional Park and Mersey Estuary Forum amongst others, and concluded that whilst great progress has been made, the job has not been completed and we have choices for which future we want for the River and the communities and businesses that depend upon it. The Task Force believe that there is a compelling case to be made to continue the transformation of the River and the added opportunity and asset value it will bring to the communities and businesses within the wider catchment.

The initial findings of the RMTF conclude that LCR should look to the river as a "key to future economic success". The Task Force suggests that LCR adopt a vision for "The River Mersey as a Global Exemplar for Sustainable Urban Growth by 2045" The Task Force is currently engaging with the LCR LEP and Liverpool's Mayoral Commission on its findings and proposals prior to reporting to Government.