Resources This page is designed to enable you to find useful information and advice on a wide range of relevant topics quickly and easily. It includes guidance documents and technical reports Bats Bat Mitigation Guidelines June 2023 Bats Bat Surveys Good Practice Guidelines Biodiversity Net Gain Biodiversity Net Gain Report and Audit Templates Biodiversity Net Gain BSI The Little Book of BNG Ecology & Planning RTPI Biodiversity in Planning Ecology & Planning State of Nature Report - State of Nature Partnership Great Crested Newts Great Crested Newt Conservation Handbook Great Crested Newts Great Crested Newt Mitigation Guidelines Climate Change Preparing for a changing Climate- Good Practise guide for LG Contaminated Land Land affected by Contamination - Technical guidance Historic Environment NE - Managing Significance in Decision-Taking in the Historic Environment Ecology & Planning SMBC Nature Conservation SPD